Hey, my name is Jasmine but you can call me OSOJAZY.

Most people just call me "OSO"

If I had to describe myself in a few words, they would be simple extravagance. I am just a girl on a journey to find myself in a world full of everything and everyone else.

I am someone's mom & I am currently a student at UNLV. Most importantly, I am working on ME. Trying to figure out the best way to navigate this thing called life.

I love gold things, glitter makes me happy. I am a football girl. I love to read. I am a "sharer" - which means when I find good stuff, I always feel like I need to tell someone. I like fancy things & I redo my budget at least 2xs a week to make sure I can afford them. I love to travel & listen to trap music.

This site is my little corner of the world, where I plan to share my journey and fun things I find along the way.

I hope this inspires you to find yourself. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!

I have another site, check it out
Bougie & the Budget »


A pic from snap chat because, uhmm.. its a decent pic of me.